Can be valued?(1518 hits) - The Dark Side of Valuation: Firms with no Earnings, no History and no
Comparables. Aswath Damodaran.
URL: - Saturday, January 20th 2001
A PEDAGOGICAL NOTE.Free cash flow, cash flow to equity, cash flow to debt, project evaluation, firm
valuation, investment valuation, Net Present Value NPV assumptions. Department of Management Universidad Javeriana Bogotá, Colombia
URL: - Sunday, December 31st 2000
CONSTRUCTION OF FREE CASH FLOWS 2(1395 hits) - CONSTRUCTION OF FREE CASH FLOWS A PEDAGOGICAL NOTE.Free cash flow, cash flow to equity, cash flow to debt, project evaluation, firm valuation, investment valuation, Net Present Value NPV assumptions. Department of Management Universidad Javeriana Bogotá, Colombia
URL: - Sunday, December 31st 2000
Discounted Cash Flows(522 hits) - Unlike traditional techniques, discounted cash flow (DCF) valuations
take into account the explicit financial performance of all future
years. However, such valuations are very sensitive to small changes
in input data and while providing the scrupulous analyst with a very
powerful tool, the unscrupulous can use the technique to justify
just about any value they choose!
Evaluation methodology
Cost of equity and of capital
Dividend discount models
Economic value added
URL: - Sunday, December 31st 2000
Evaluation du crédit-bail et risque de crédit(807 hits) - Crédit-bail, Evaluation, Options, Risque
de crédit.
Leasing, Credit risk, Options, Valuation
URL: - Wednesday, January 08th 2003
EVA™: Use and abuse (PDF)(6356 hits) - EVA™is increasingly used for corporate and management appraisal and evaluation. The
approach has gained so much popularity that it is now influencing the style, content and focus
of sell-side research. While EVA™ can provide some useful insights into companies, as can
many other techniques, it has shortcomings that should not be overlooked.
URL: - Sunday, December 31st 2000
Foundations of EVA for Investment Managers(658 hits) - Just in time, EVA (pdf) by James L. Grant.
URL: - Saturday, January 20th 2001
Internet Valuation by Stern Stewart Europe Limited (pdf)(3246 hits) - Why are internet share valuations so high? With all the hysteria, we decided to provide a
primer on why this sector is valued so highly. Many business leaders fear the risks but it is, in
fact, the uncertainty and volatility that drives the share values so high. This is true even if we
leave aside who will win and who will lose. The possibilities for the sector.
URL: - Saturday, January 20th 2001
UTS School of Finance and Economics(829 hits) - Great Works Library. In the School of Finance and Economics, both undergraduate and postgraduate students receive practical qualifications in banking, finance and economics, some of which are accredited with the Australian Institute of Banking and Finance (AIBF) and the Australian Insurance Institute (AII).
URL: - Friday, July 19th 2002
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